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package astroLib;
import astroLib.APC_Vect3D.Polar;
import astroLib.APC_Vect3D.Vec3D;
* @author mgeden
public class APC_Spheric{
// Equ2Hor: Transformation of equatorial coordinates to the horizon system
// Input:
// Dec Declination
// tau Hour angle
// lat Geographical latitude of the observer
// Output:
// h Altitude
// Az Azimuth
// Note: all parameters in [rad]
Horizontal Equ2Hor ( double Dec, double tau, double lat)
// Variables
Vec3D e_equ;
Polar e_hor;
Horizontal result;
Polar polar=new Polar(tau,Dec);
e_equ = new Vec3D(polar); // unit vector in horizontal system
// e_equ = {m_Vec = {0.58881464761003832, -0.38575765187682981, 0.71027342958774764}, m_phi = -0.57998202437182178, m_theta = 0.78988656845716043, m_r = 1, m_bPolarValid = true}
// R_y(pi/2.0-lat)={m_Mat = {{0.74431154623115414, 0, -0.66783255547104659}, {0, 1, 0}, {0.66783255547104659, 0, 0.74431154623115414}}}
e_hor=APC_Vect3D.calcPolarAngles (APC_Vect3D.AbProduct(APC_Vect3D.R_y(Math.PI/2.0-lat), e_equ)); // unit vector in equatorial system
// e_hor = {m_Vec = {-0.036082178758590183, -0.38575765187682981, 0.92189430543555695}, m_phi = 0, m_theta = 0, m_r = 0, m_bPolarValid = false}
result= new Horizontal ();
result.Az =e_hor.phi; // polar angles4.6191244648066796
result.h =e_hor.theta; //1.1729416588203474
return result;